
The incredible achievements of modern scientific medicine are matched only by it’s absurdities. GK Chesterton observed that every revolution requires the fanatic and the satirist, the raison d’etre for this blog. An ageing population, ever-expanding medical knowledge, ever-increasing patient expectation, ever- burgeoning costs and ever-dwindling resources; the centre cannot hold.

Dr Liam Farrell is a former family doctor and an award-winning writer and broadcaster. He curates the #IrishMed and #WritersWise tweetchats and is a big-shot in the small yet dull world of medical satire. He is signed with the Feldstein literary agency (www.thefeldsteinagency.co.uk ), who are trying to flog, “Are you the f***ing doctor? Selected writings,” and, “Morphine; the story of a blessing and a curse.”

You can follow him on FacebookTwitter  or contact him via email.

Enjoy the musings of Dr Liam Farrell.